And I am not talking Cyndi Lauper, I am referring to Ageless Aunty. Here she is in Cyndi Lauper's new lipstick from M.A.C. ....Viva Glam Cyndi...
As we passed the cosmetic counter aunty immediately was drawn to this luscious, coral-red lipstick. She said, "I want that!" So, I bought it for her. She was so excited she had to open up the package and put the color on in the parking lot. She couldn't wait.
Like Miss Lauper, the lipstick, and the music.... Aunty sure remains Ageless~
I think she should be a cosmetic model too! Don't you?
On the way home we played Aunty's favorite Cyndi song, Girls Just Want to have Fun...
and soon, we will be playing mine...Feels Like Christmas,

Cyndi and Lady Gaga for MAC
My shy friend Teri says...
I would like to have the brand and exact color. I am in the market for a new color and stick. It looks wonderful on her!
I do LOVE LOVE LOVE Cyndi Lauper
They wanna have fun . . . girls.
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