Monday, January 4, 2010


That’s my gorgeous sister J who always signs her emails with the words “Big Hug.” Here she is holding Mr. “Big Hug” the adorable fellow I gave her for her recent birthday. I had been trying to figure out what else to give her that I could afford. I mean what do you give someone who has a rainbow of diamonds, lives in Beverly Hills, and has poured Grand Dame Champagne for a "bubble bath?"

While I was skimming through a catalog (it may have been I literally saw what was described as a BIG HUG; “plush and cuddly with rosy cheeks and a fluffy sprout of hair on top.” How could I resist? The act of finding him, wrapping him (and in her favorite Wishnick paper which she almost loved more than the gift itself) and giving him to her made me feel great. And although my sister is already ageless, she is even more so now because I got creative and gave from the heart. She loves him! Generosity makes everybody a winner. Don’t you think even “Big Hug” is happier having such pretty hands holding him every day!

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