The intoxicating international sensation Donkey Show creates a splash on the cultural scene. The best way to describe this theatrical romp is to say it is Shakespeare meets Studio 54. It’s a wild reinvention of Shakespeare’s A Mid Summer’s Night Dream (a complex farce about the mis-adventures of love). This outrageous presentation stretches all boundaries of theater…and is so much fun!
However we describe it, when I look at this picture from the show, and think of all I am up against as a writer who wants to get published, I consider for a moment, dressing up in glitter, wearing sequin hot pants, and maneuvering something like this on Aunty’s clothes lines. You have to admit, it’s one way to get noticed.
Then I think, no, Aunty should dress up in one of her boas and I will put her in roller skates or on a surf board, while she reads my manuscript aloud…. (take my word for it, it’s not easy to get published these days). One must do whatever it takes to get attention.
Eventually I come to my senses and face reality. I say… this might be “twenty-ten,” and Twitter, Facebook, Blogging, and selfless promotion are required of writers, above and beyond all the time and dedication it takes to simply write the books, but, there is still only one real way to get noticed, and that is through good old fashion hard work.
So, I bid you farewell for the weekend. It may be Saturday, but I am a writer who wants to get published. Communing at my computer until my eyes burn and my hands ache, while my mind stays focused….. That is what will eventually get me published. (Sequin hot pants, on aunty or me, will only get us so far). It’s the work I do that warrants eye drops and wrist braces that will draw recognition.
See Donkey Show if you dare. It’s been extended till August 2010…