Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life...

That's What His New Book Says

Last week, when I told my mother I was going to see the J. Geils Band again, she asked me when I was going to outgrow rock and roll. I held up my high-school year book, with the picture of me with the words J. Geils written across my butt in rhinestones, and replied “Never!” My love for rock roll is as strong as ever. I just can’t get enough. My passion for that music carries over to my writing. I wrote a movie script that is essentially a valentine to Classic Rock and its fans (it is not produced yet, but I predict it will be). I still spend a lot of money on concert tickets, and I listen to that music every chance I get.

When I found out author, Steve Almond was on tour promoting his new book Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life, I put on my Jimi Hendrix tee-shirt, my black leather boots and worn out leather jacket. I held up a Bic lighter and made my way to Steve and his new book.

I have to give Steve a lot of credit. It’s hard to sell books these days. He spoke/performed, to a sold out audience. He even threw in a great live band by the name of Boris Mccutcheon & the salt licks, and a slide show. It was a clever idea and a great way to get people out, and interested.

The crowd roared. Everyone except Aunty was in a groove. Maybe because she is 86 years old, or, because she was about to meet Dean Martin the next night, Aunty was a bit preoccupied. But, I was front and center and, like the rest of the audience, I hung on Steve’s every word, grunt, and groan.

Here is a picture Aunty tried to take of me with Steve. Note: Neither Steve nor I are in the picture. Once again, Aunty had other things on her mind.

If you love rock, and like a funny read…listen to the music and check out Steve’s new book. Like it did for him, it might save your life. And, like the music does for me, it will help keep you Ageless… and that has always been my promise to you!

For more on this wild and crazy author go to http://www.stevenalmond.com/ and check out his book Candyfreak too! Last time I looked they were selling that one in museum gift shops.

1 comment:

whatever.. said...

I am going to put on some Queen...right now!

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