Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Take your Pumpkin Pick….We have gone Bananas over Pumpkin…. Pumpkin Muffins, Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Coffee, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Beauty Scrub, Pumpkin Lipstick, Pumpkin Bagels, and these days Pumpkin Beer!

When I recently visited my mom she poured me her seasonal favorite… Shipyard Pumpkin head Ale. She carefully rimmed the glass with cinnamon and sugar and it was truly remarkable. I don’t know if it was just being happy to see my mother, the fact that the ocean was crackling outside her door, or the fact that I just love the (to me) BIG TREAT of a seasonal ale, but the swirling of the spices was sublime!

 As much as I enjoyed my mom’s beer I had to go out on a quest for the perfect pumpkin ale (so you don’t have to). Now, I will say the best are the ones you get right at the micro-breweries. But, for the next best thing, in your own home, I would suggest any of the above. Shipyard, Post Road, Smutty Nose, and Pumple Drumkin… All Pumpkin Ales. These Beers have even been recommended by top chefs and local beer guys. I am not a beer expert, so I can’t explain all the flavors or say things like “biscuty” or traces of vanilla, but I can simply say, they taste really good. Rim your glass with some cinnamon and sugar, or, as my little sister just mentioned….with caramel too. Oh La La.

Of course we drink responsibly here at Ageless with Aunty. And speaking of our beloved late Aunty. She loved pumpkins too and drew this one in October of 2006. As we sat together enjoying our pumpkin coffee, she sketched it out quickly and colored it in. There was only one piece of sketch paper and it had some markings (a little monkey)on it already (as you can see the black in the middle) so Aunty didn’t want to draw over it. I convinced her to just draw around it. And she did. I must say, if you take away the monkey in the middle, and the fact that Aunty really never drew in her life,  Auntys' is the prettiest and happiest pumpkin I have ever seen! Aunty went on to do some impressive drawings even later in life which I will unveil here at Ageless soon. For all my new subscribers, Aunty was a happy, extraordinary, and perfectly selfless human being. She lives on here at Ageless and inspires us all. Just scroll around to see.

Happy Pumpkin sipping….Enjoy this fabulous crispy season….here in New England it’s simply perfect “this time of year.”

Friday, October 11, 2013


Getting Closer to My Dreams....
What action are you taking to bring yourself closer to what you really want in life? Some of us have simple dreams and are content with what we have. We count our blessings and are glad to be alive (especially on a day like this). Then there are those of us who want even more and Dream Big! I am in the latter camp. I have always been an over-the-top dreamer. And, I am glad to say that I finally figured out a way to achieve what I want. Its’ called hard work, focus, confidence, and believing. With guts, determination and vision I am CONSISTENTLY working towards my goal (which these days is to develop my BRAND…..an empowering brand like nothing you have ever seen or heard before). I pretty much work 24/7 (because even in my sleep I am envisioning all this). And, with the accumulation of hard work you start to shed old skin and feel really good. Sometimes, putting in all these long hours towards a dream makes me giddy with anticipation.
with the president of the Inventors
Association of New England
Everything has changed. I decided things would have to be different and they are. I decided that I would stay focused no matter what, and, I am! I decided that I have the confidence to proceed in what can often be a tough business world, and now I do. It feels empowering. All I did was make that simple decision and then stay focused on it. When you do that the world around you gets the message and everything starts to line up. Even the right people start showing up.
Working towards a dream is fully living. I am no longer going through the motions on auto pilot.

at MIT
at Harvard
All of you out there in Ageless Land who have a dream, a goal, or something you really want to bring to fruition….just tell yourself every single day NO MATTER WHAT, that you can do it. If you stay Consistent, before you know it your life starts to blossom and transcends on to a new level. It’s kind of miraculous. And it’s all within you to take action at any given moment. We are a lot more magical then we think we are….. And so is the world around us.  The Big Secret (for those of you who really do want to get from A to Z) is staying Consistent and Focused!