An Angel Among Us...
In honor of the three year anniversary of Aunty’s passing
into heaven…November 18th 2011 at six-forty-eight p.m.
Today I am going to carry on EXACTLY LIKE AUNTY did every single day of her life. I will smile
all day long. Even my heart and liver will be radiant. I will tell everyone I love
them. I will perform countless acts of kindness without expecting anything in
return. I will say with conviction and genuine sincerity that everything is “wonderful.
“I will fully appreciate the trees, the birds, and everything around me. I will
say thank you to everyone for everything; including the people letting me pat their
dog, a car allowing me to pass on the road, the bagger at the supermarket, and
the people picking up the trash. I will forgive everyone for everything, no matter what!
Every day is Christmas
when you have the Aunty spirit!
I will put on lipstick just to get the mail at my door. I
will have ten cups of coffee and enjoy every one. I will relish every moment
spent with my family. AT the end of the day if I am not too tired I will call my
sister, or my dear friend Gracie and invite her over for a game of bridge.
Before I fall asleep I will say my prayers. I will lovingly remember
every family member who has passed and call it a “wonderful” day. I will look
forward to giving my heart to the world and aid anyone who needs me. I will
rest soundly in the light and comfort of GOD. Amen.
(this picture looks like little girl Aunty)
I sure hope the readers of Ageless with Aunty will join me in an Aunty-like day. Collectively
we can literally raise the vibrations of the planet even just a little bit! Living life with grace, compassion, and humility creates "a happy life"
(the ten cups of coffee are optional).
Dear Aunty, miraculously I love you more and more each day. We are
connected eternally. And, I will love you forever and a day. I find comfort in
the signs and love you send from above. I will honor and cherish your memory
and spirit for “ever and ever and ever!” And, as promised, someday I will meet
you in heaven. Until then, I will be
happy and productive and inspired, with a heart full of gratitude and love, in
large part because of YOU. Uncle D too! Thank you.
with Aunty and Uncle D
on their 50th Wedding Anniversary