Wednesday, June 10, 2015


I have been utterly inspired with Twitter!
It's clear that The Richard Branson
believes a lot of the same things I do!
Think Big!
Go for the Dream...
He even quoted Steven Spielberg:
I don't dream at night.
I dream all day;
I dream for a living!
And, even though I am not yet paid for my dreaming, I know I will be.
I even used this quote in my book. Currently I am looking for an agent, so let's hope the book gets published soon. It's funny and uplifting.
Given all that I see and learn on Twitter, and of course, real life, there is now no excuse for me not to have my own mega success. Every bit of advice and proven success is there! And, I have found I have the mindset of some pretty lofty folks.
This validation is inspiring....
Star photo courtesy of:

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