Monday, August 15, 2011


Am I famous yet? Not so fast....

Is it really summer....because I am working so hard, harder than I have ever worked in all of my life. When I am not tending to my Ageless Aunty, I am gathering information and doing product/market research because I am serious about developing my idea for a product. Not just any product I must add, a product with the potential to be a sensation all around the world! Judging from all the work involved, and mild exhaustion, I bet that the pictures you see of all those entrepreneurs on their yachts or relaxing at their beach house is  probably the only 5 minutes  of rest they're getting. It's all work, and it's constant. I don’t even have the time to blog any more…but, I will not give up Ageless with Aunty.  I love my blog.  I feel more “ageless” with each post. And, I appreciate all your comments when I see you on the streets, the emails, the comments on the blog, and just knowing that others are enjoying what I have to share. Aunty and I promise to continue entertaining (and hopefully uplifting and inspiring) you at least once a week. 
As far as becoming an entrepreneur (by the way my name is in the word, entrep-r-e-n-e-ur) I have come up with what I call a brilliant idea for a spectacular and most unique item. So, I am creating a  business plan to see where this might lead. For anyone who has put a business plan together, you know the work involved.  My life has suddenly  gone in a whole new direction. The potential for my product is phenomenal….the entire concept is growing at vast speeds. When I actually sit still for a moment and hold my little (mock) prototype, and peruse the ad campaign I have created,  I can sense the staggering potential. It is almost scary. That’s why I am literally holding on to my hat!  
 My instincts have me convinced my product idea could be HUGE! I will still keep up the blog (I am after all first and foremost a writer/screenwriter). I am just taking a little detour. I am slipping into my ruby red go-go boots, strapping on an imaginary pair of dream wings, and soaring over a yellow-brick road to bliss. My readers and followers get a front row seat and all access pass to infinite possibilities galore….
We hear it said countless times each day… “Go after your dreams.” If it’s one thing I know how to do in life, it’s just that. My hands may hurt from all the time on the keyboard, and I have had more than my share of rejection, and even had some of my ideas copied, but, I will not give up! I  write this post for anyone considering doing something that their heart tells them they must. Sure, you have to let go of the fear. And, you can’t make excuses. I have full/sole responsibility for my for my 87 year old Aunty, and I am still going forward! There’s plenty of hard work ahead, but, you can enjoy those beach days so much more when you earn them! See you at the top…


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are not giving up your blog as we would miss the wonderful and exciting adventures with you and/or Aunty, and the inspiring and insightful thoughts and actions of an aspiring writer and new inventor/entrepRENEEur. I wish you all the success in your next blissful adventure with your red ruby boots and wings. I look forward to a weekly post, and will remember/attempt that I too can reach for a dream (I will have to work on it), while making time for others.

Anonymous said...

Love the hats and smile!!! Hats off to you on your adventure.

MinistryOfScience said...

Good luck sister entrepreneur! This is the start of something big.

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