This little light of mine...
Have you ever taken the time to see who you really are? Pick up a picture and take a close look at yourself. Let’s take the above picture for example. When I look at this photo I can see myself clearly. The hat alone shows a funky and creative side. I have heard people say that it takes a bit of confidence to wear hats. The sunflower in the pink vase shows a lot of color and love of nature. The long faux braid exhibits a fun and whimsical style. The white bathing suit represents someone who respects their body and puts an emphasis on staying healthy. The picture on the table of Auntie and Gracie is just a little reminder of love all over the house. I keep framed pictures and books everywhere. The pink and purple barrettes hopefully show a youthful and playful side. Even the mug of white tea shows a dedication to health. The blue cup itself is revealing. It’s from the meditation center I attend. I am able to look at this snapshot and smile because this one random, unplanned, picture captures my true essence of who I am, and what I am all about. That's a good thing because, i have found that life is just that much easier to handle when we know who we are, and feel good about it.
Why don't you try it? Examine a fairly recent photo of yourself. What do you see? There has to be something that you like. Perhaps you’re holding a child. Does this make you happy? Is the child smiling? What does this say about who you really are? Maybe you are more caring and compassionate than you are aware of. Are you standing next to someone you love? Maybe this has a lot to do with what's inside of you. Are you holding hands? Are you in love with that person? What colors are you wearing? Are you indoors or out? Are you on a wild ride at an amusement park, zipping through the air? Maybe this shows your true sense of adventure. Could you be petting, or tending to your favorite pet? You might be a profound animal lover making more of God’s creatures happy.
It might take a little courage to really look at yourself, but, take a moment to find what's going on inside of you. Capture it! And let it shine…. (and for some reason if you are not happy with what you see, take a dip in the ocean, wash it away, then start over).
When you are more comfortable and at peace with who you really are, you are more comfortable and at peace with everyone around you. This creates a lot more smiles on the planet. So get those digital cameras out and start snapping away… find out where you may have been hiding some of your beauty. And, if it’s already there, embrace it, enjoy it, and then share it. That way, you’ll get even more. That’s just how it works. God is good.
Renee, you forgot to mention that you are in shape, and to exercise regularly to gain more self-confidence in your skin. I agree most of us do not self-reflect. It is a great way to self-perseverance and to honor ourselves for who were really are, or striving to improve or understand our actions and speech as expressions of ourselves. Thanks again for the reminder to meditate within, using the analogy of a photo of ourselves or/and with other(s).
everything else is left to the imagination
I looked...I'm completely the opposite of everything that YOU are...but I have a glimmer of hope from reading this blog that I MIGHT be able to change...maybe!
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