Thursday, October 2, 2014


 My pal, Mr. Pumpkin!
I would like to wish all the readers and followers of Ageless with Aunty a happy fall.
According to the Discover New England website, In fall (autumn), New England is famous for its glorious foliage as billions of leaves change from green to a kaleidoscope of colors. The air is crisp and cool – perfect for hiking, biking or a classic fly-drive break along back roads, where farm stands are piled high with crunchy apples and orange pumpkins.
Our late Aunty drew a pumpkin
over and around another picture
This is a perfect time of year to receive and absorb wisdom.
So I have heated up Aunty's favorite for YOU...
(stay warm)
The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest.
And, the first to forget is the happiest.
Maybe this is why children are (and our late Aunty was) so happy...they love unconditionally and don't hold grudges. 
Drive down your life's path with a smile
and a light heart at every moment.
When you break down all your barriers and defenses
you will get much better mileage and a smoother ride!
And, you'll avoid all the tolls...
Just like Aunty did!
"The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest

The first to forget is the happiest."

~ Unknown
"The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest.
The first to forget is the happiest."

~ Unknown


Reflections and Travels with Ronaldo said...


Trisha said...

Again, more wisdom and 'agelessness' packed into this beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing your timely and ageless pearls of wisdom! Thank God for our Magical Aunty! xoxo

Michael said...

Well said with poetic justice. From all your posts with angel auntie that she was the happiest in your life and you are driving down that same and wise path.

Researchgirl said...

hi, let me know where the lantern parade pictures are..........we had a lovely night!!!! thanks for taking photos and would LOVE To see the video inside the boathouse!! yay!! Joanne Elsa Nevis on google

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