Summer CakeJ
Ha ppy Summer….
Surf’s up
Ha ng five, or is it ten?
Any wa y you look a t it, this is the perfect time of yea r to be Ageless~
And now tha t summer is officia lly here, a nd my friend Helen Sunshine just told me it’s the ha ppiest da y of the yea r…this blog is on va ca tion. Well, not rea lly. I a m just considering entering the contest tha t Opra h’s network is running. They ha ve something ca lled Your Own Show. My understa nding is, it is going to be a rea lity TV show a bout ha ving your own show, and ultimately someone does. Since several people ha ve ca lled encoura ging me to try out, I a m looking into putting a video together this week. The dea dline is Frida y, so there is a lot to do. I promise to keep you posted.
I rea lize I ha ve a better cha nce of becoming president of the United Sta tes tha n ha ving even a cup of tea with Opra h, but, let’s just sa y I a m doing it for Aunty.
I re
Check ba ck la ter this week….this is only the first da y of summer….there is much more to come.
By the wa y, a t a fa mily ga thering recently, from a dista nce someone thought I wa s my teena ge niece. Oka y, ma ybe they don’t ha ve the best vision, but, regardless, looks like this blog is working~
Keep up and you'll be kept up tooJ!
mmmmm...I'll take a piece of that cake, please.
Renee for President! I like it.
Sarah Palin watch out...
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