Mark Wahlberg...OMG!
My love a ffa ir with cinema …
Ever since I wa s a child I wa s utterly fa scina ted with films. I ca n reca ll running up to the screen with my friend Richie, who loved movies too. We wa nted to touch the sta rs.
Not much ha s cha nged over the yea rs. La st summer, I da nced in the a isle a t the end of Ma ma Mia ! I ha d such a n a drena line rush from the good feelings that film brought forth, my brea thing pa ttern cha nged. And, just yesterda y, I stood a nd cheered, complete with ra ised fists, a t the end of The Fighter. Tha t film gra bbed my hea rt. No pun intended, it just knocked me out.
With such a n a rdent love for movies, I sta rted writing screenpla ys some time a go. My scripts a re high-concept a nd very funny. I believe they will sta nd the test of time. All I need now is to polish them up a nd ma ke some conta cts. Of course, tha t is ea sier sa id tha n done, so, in the mea n time, I ha ve this blog a nd book to keep me busy. But, I will surely get ba ck to my scripts, because I ha ve come up with stories I would love to see on the big screen.
Being so ena mored with the movie business, it’s only na tura l tha t I might develop a crush on a certa in lea ding man every now a nd a ga in. These da ys, it’s Mark Wa hlberg a nd Colin Firth. Yes, two distinct looks a nd styles. But, I would love to sip tea with Colin a nd ra p with Mark, my Boston Boy! I a m thinking a bout going to Mark’s resta ura nt (about an hour from where I live) a nd just keep going ba ck until he shows up. I know I would swoon if I met him. My cheeks a re flush a t the thought. Something tells me a little swooning ha s the sa me a nti-a ging effects a s resvera trol. At this ra te I’ll never get old.
Who’s your Justin Bieber?
Colin Firth, My name is Renee, how do you do?
Congratulations on your Oscar for Best Actor
Hey Renee, love the shout out, but yes, did we not fall in love with the cinema. Anne of a Thousand Days, was one of our best. :)
Love and miss you and stay forever young, you are an inspiration to me.....
I enjoy your writing. Happy Birthday to your Aunty.
I hesitate to mention this, however, I feel you might appreciate knowing that you are raving about Donnie Wahlberg yet have posted a picture of Mark Wahlberg. Mark is the star of The Fighter, The Perfect Storm, the creator of Entourage, etc. If you look up Mark's picture with a tattoo online you'll see confirmation.
With Jenna Blum referring lots of folks to your blog, you may want to correct this and then erase my comments.
Best wishes, Fellow Writer. Keep writing!
A Friend
Thank you so much. I can not believe I was so excited about Mark Wahlberg, that I called him by his brother’s name.
But, there is no mistaking Mark Wahlberg! I find this hysterical. Luckily I can laugh at myself….and I appreciate your comment. I am also thrilled that the great Jenna Blum is talking up my blog! She fab.
OH he's a wonderful man, I just wished I could meet him!
abstract canvas
Ahh he is divine, love him!
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