Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Batman Visits Santa

Laughter is essential in any anti-aging strategy.

For me, reading David Sedaris, watching I Love Lucy, being with my sisters (the five of us become utterly silly when we get together), writing funny stories, and looking at pictures, like the one above, makes me smile.

This is my nephew. He wanted to go see Santa, but once he got near that velvet seat he refused to sit on Santa’s lap unless he had on his Batman costume. My sister had to go home, put the new gear on, and head back to the mall in traffic. I think it was worth the effort. This picture is just too funny. My intention for sharing it is to bring a little chuckle into your day.

Dig out your comical photographs and old videos. Read a humorous book, or call a funny friend. Nothing is more potent in that little black bag of maintaining our youth then a good LOL.

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