Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I ALWAYS dreamed someone would give me the secrets to staying young and healthy. Well... I got my wish. I may not ever look like this again (this is me at 22) but, I know if I follow what is presented here, a year from today I will not look any older than I do right now. As a matter of fact, I might even look younger! ... That's pretty cool if you ask me.

Thanks to Chris Crowley, co-author, with Dr. Henry S. Lodge, of the Younger Next Year books, here is  solid advice for keeping youthfully vigorous. 

1) Exercise six days a week for the rest of your life.

2) Do serious aerobic exercise four days a week for the rest of your life.

3) Do serious strength training, with weights, two days a week for the rest of your life.

4) Spend less than you make.

5) Quit eating junk.

6) Care.

7) Connect and commit.

You could put numbers 6 and 7 into practice right now by simply hitting the follow button on the right. You would be helping Aunty and I by saying that you like our blog. There are no strings attached, and no one,  will get your email. Honest. It is simply a nice thing to do because we work hard to entertain you, and hopefully help to keep you inspired and feeling good. 
I would like to add a number eight... Take a break.... With that I am leaving for a few days to a much needed, long over due (by ten years) vacation. I will be back soon with some great stories to blog about. I miss my readers already..... please leave me some comments below about your vacation highlights, or one particular vacation that stands out... we can compare notes when  I return. And, let me know what you think of the health tips listed above...
Renee & Ageless Aunty~


Jane said...

Hi Renee,

I just finished reading Younger Next Year for Women and wrote about it on my blog ~ definitely interesting and inspirational.
Enjoy your vacation.


Richie Southwick said...

Renee, love seeing a picture of you back when. You are still the beautiful Renee Gold, inside and out. Thank you for your wisdom and positive words. You make this world a better place.


Jack Sebastian said...

Renee, this was such a nice and inspiring post! This post really motivates all the ladies and gentlemen out there who want to look and feel young everyday. I'm in my 40's now and just like you, I've been making efforts to look younger. I exercise regularly, eat healthy foods, quit smoking and drinking, and just recently here in Bay Area, facelift procedure was done on me. I just tried it actually, and wow! I just look so young now. Even the cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco would tell me that they can see such a big difference in me.

Bettie said...

At 45, I never imagined how my face would look like. I feel like I look so much older now because of my wrinkles and uneven skin. I also thought of having a surgery here in Scottsdale. Plastic surgery is what most people do to make all those imperfections go away. So, maybe I guess I should do that to make me look younger.

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